Quick Start Guide (Windows)

You will know the famous "hello world" application.
Once you have "hello world" up and running most problems are solved and
live becomes easy.

For pvbrowser this means download and install pvbrowser from our web page.
install it and double click "pvbrowser".
Within the address line insert one of our demo pvserver(s)
pv://pvbrowser.org       (default port is 5050)
Attention: Make sure your firewall will not block the according port for outgoing connections.
(Step 1 is solved. You can use the pvbrowser client.)

Now double click "start_pvdevelop" and
choose menu "File->new pvserver" and set Language "Lua".
Click the right mouse button and insert a widget.
Move it around and resize it.
Click the "Editor" icon in the toolbar to switch from designer to editor mode.
This will generate sourcecode for you.
Now click menu "Action->StartServer".
This will open a command window where your currently developed pvserver will run and wait for clients on port 5050.
Now start the pvbrowser client and input "localhost" into the address line in order to connect to your new pvserver.
(Step 2 is solved. You can develop in Lua.)

If you want to develop in C++ (which is most powerfull) please install the current Qt SDK and the MinGW compiler.
As with writeing of this guide the Qt SDK, the Qt Creator IDE and the MinGW C++ compiler are contained in 1 package that can be downloaded from.
Please choose the "Community" version when you do not own a Qt license.
Once you have installed the SDK open "Qt Creator" and develop a "hello world" application.
ATTENTION: MinGW might have problems with install locations where path includes spaces and 
have problems if several MinGW versions are installed on your computer.
(Step 3 is solved. Your Qt SDK and MinGW are working correctly)

Our pvdevelop must know where you have installed the Qt SDK and MinGW.
This is defined within file %PVBDIR%\win-mingw\bin\start_pvdevelop.bat
Please edit this file and define the according environment variables.
 set   QTDIR="C:\Qt\5.1.0\5.1.0\mingw48_32"
 set   MINGWDIR="C:\Qt\5.1.0\Tools\mingw48_32"
(The final step is solved. You are ready to develop your own pvserver in C/C++.)

PS1: Since pvdevelop uses qmake project files (name.pro) you can switch between pvdevelop and Qt Creator during your development.
     pvdevelop contains some wizards that generate sourecode for you.
     Qt Creator is a more sophisticated IDE.
PS2: Our installation procedure will define the environment variable PVBDIR. It will point to the installation directory you have choosen.