Integration of libcairo in pvbrowser
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DATA, slotInit(), slotNullEvent()

The slot functions of the mask do the following:

In slotInit() the table with the description of our cairo widgets is read in. In slotNullEvent(), which is called cyclically, d->cairo. sendFileToQDraw() ensures that the graphic is displayed on the QDraw object draw1. This is only done if the modification time of the file has changed. With tloop.lock() / tloop.unlock() it is ensured that the threads "Loop" and "pvMain" synchronize, it is ensured that only complete graphics are processed.

In slotMousePressedEvent() / slotMouseReleasedEvent(), the mouse position coming from the pvbrowser client is taken and with pvCairoWidget::hitTest() determines which table row (row) was clicked.

slotMousePressedEvent() With loopfifo.printf(), the mouse event is sent via rlFifo to the loop thread, where it can be responded to.
slotMouseReleasedEvent() Here the mouse event is also sent back to the loop thread and the mouse shape that the user sees is reset.

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