pvbrowser manual
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custom widgets

In order to use custom widgets within Qt designer you have to define them once. Before you can use the custom widgets available to pvbrowser you have to load the description. This has only to be done once.

Within Qt Designer choose the menu: 
Tools->Custom->Edit Custom Widgets ... 
Load Descriptions ... 
And choose ./ProcessView/ui2pvc/ui2pvc/designer.cw

The qwt widgets Qwt are defined as plugin. The installation script will copy the needed shared library to your QTDIR.


Custom widgets are the following:

QDraw Use "gBeginDraw(p,id);" to start drawing and "gEndDraw(p);" to finish drawing.

QImage QGLWidget QVtkTclWidget QwtPlot QwtScale QwtThermo QwtKnob QwtCounter QwtWheel QwtSlider QwtCompass
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