Data Acquisition
Protocols supported by pvbrowser
- Modbus (Serial Line and TCP)
- Siemens TCP
- Siemens PPI
- Ethernet_IP
- EIBnet/KNX
- OPC UA (alpha status)
- DCON protocol
For these protocols there exist daemons (ready to use with pvbrowser) and/or classes within rllib. In order to use these daemons you have to download pvbaddon.tar.gz. PROFIBUS and CAN are current supported by Hilscher CIF cards only.
See: pvbaddon (english) or pvbaddon (deutsch)
Protocols not supported directly may be used via a gateway or by it's native programming interface.
PS: You may lend us hardware for supporting more protocols. Or you can implement your own data acquisition similar to the existing daemons.
For Data Acquisition we use a separate daemon for each interface. The daemon will read the interface cyclically and write the result to a shared memory. The visualization can now easily read the shared memory and display it's content. The daemon also has a mailbox. The visualization can write to this mailbox, in order to output signals to the interface. Within the daemon we heavily rely on rllib. The daemons are included in pvbaddon.tar.gz which must be downloaded additional to pvbrowser.
Eventually usefull foreign software
Cogent DataHub: