pvbrowser, pvb® - The Process Visualiation Browser.

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pvbrowser, pvb®

© 2000-2025 Lehrig Software Engineering http://pvbrowser.org

developed under Linux for: Linux/Unix/Windows/OS-X/Maemo/Android +pvserver under OpenVMS

pvbrowser is a framework that allows comfortable and flexible creation of SCADA applications for individual customers. Creating a SCADA application with pvbrowser can be compared with creating a web page for individual customers.


The pvbrowser, pvb® is registrated to S. Lehrig, Finkenstr. 3, 57368 Lennestadt. Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, München den 18.09.2006

Open Source

pvbrowser is open source software. It intesively uses foreign open source components. The whole solution would not have been possible without these foreign software. We want to give our thanks to all these projects.

Commercial aspects


pvbrowser is a non profit project. If you want to spend money please donate to Christa Müller.

Since our libraries are under LGPL it is not necessary to publish the sourcecode of the pvserver(s) you have created for a customer.

But you will have to give the GPL/LGPL license agreement and a link to our project to the customer.

The goal of pvbrowser is to develop a versatile framework for SCADA applications that can be used without development or runtime license fees. Money can be earned by creating solutions for an individual customer. The framework itself is free of charge.

Please contribute your work if it is usefull for the community. Thus pvbrowser may be improved for everyone.