rllib  1
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Types | Private Attributes | List of all members
rlSerial Class Reference

#include <rlserial.h>

Public Types

enum  Parity { NONE = 0, ODD, EVEN }

Public Member Functions

 rlSerial ()
virtual ~rlSerial ()
int openDevice (const char *devicename, int speed=B9600, int block=1, int rtscts=1, int bits=8, int stopbits=1, int parity=rlSerial::NONE)
int select (int timeout=500)
int readChar ()
int writeChar (unsigned char uchar)
int readBlock (unsigned char *buf, int len, int timeout=-1)
int writeBlock (const unsigned char *buf, int len)
int readLine (unsigned char *buf, int maxlen, int timeout=1000)
int closeDevice ()
void setTrace (int on)
 on := 0 | 1 (bool) More...

Private Types

enum  { RESET, RAW, CBREAK }

Private Attributes

struct termios save_termios
unsigned short int vms_channel
enum rlSerial:: { ... }  ttystate
int ttysavefd
int fd
int trace

Detailed Description

With this class you can communicate over a serial line.

Definition at line 71 of file rlserial.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 130 of file rlserial.h.

◆ Parity


Definition at line 74 of file rlserial.h.

75  {
76  NONE = 0,
77  ODD ,
78  EVEN
79  };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ rlSerial()

rlSerial::rlSerial ( )

Definition at line 81 of file rlserial.cpp.

82 {
83  ttysavefd = -1;
84  ttystate = RESET;
85  fd = -1;
86  trace = 0;
87 }
enum rlSerial::@4 ttystate
int trace
Definition: rlserial.h:132
int ttysavefd
Definition: rlserial.h:131
int fd
Definition: rlserial.h:132

◆ ~rlSerial()

rlSerial::~rlSerial ( )

Definition at line 89 of file rlserial.cpp.

90 {
91  closeDevice();
92 }
int closeDevice()
Definition: rlserial.cpp:763

Member Function Documentation

◆ closeDevice()

int rlSerial::closeDevice ( )

Definition at line 763 of file rlserial.cpp.

764 {
765 #ifdef RLUNIX
766  if(fd == -1) return -1;
767  //if(::tcsetattr(fd,TCSAFLUSH,&save_termios) < 0) return -1;
768  if(::tcsetattr(fd,TCSANOW,&save_termios) < 0) return -1;
769  ::close(fd);
770  ttystate = RESET;
771  fd = -1;
772  return 0;
773 #endif
775 #ifdef __VMS
776  sys$dassgn(vms_channel);
777  return 0;
778 #endif
780 #ifdef RLWIN32
781  CloseHandle(hdl);
782  return 0;
783 #endif
785 #ifdef RM3
786  RmBytParmStruct PBlock; /* Parameterstruktur fr RmIO - Funktion */
787  RmIOStatusStruct DrvSts; /* Struktur der Rckgabewerte fr RmIO - Funktion */
788  /**************************************************/
789  if( RmIO( BYT_RELEASE, (unsigned)(device), (unsigned)(unit), 0u, 0u, &DrvSts, &PBlock ) < 0 )
790  {
791  printf( "Error: Unable to release device. device: %i, unit: %i\n",device, unit );
792  return -1;
793  }
794  return 0;
795 #endif
796 }
enum rlSerial::@4 ttystate
Definition: rlserial.h:125
struct termios save_termios
Definition: rlserial.h:119
unsigned short int vms_channel
Definition: rlserial.h:122
int fd
Definition: rlserial.h:132

◆ openDevice()

int rlSerial::openDevice ( const char *  devicename,
int  speed = B9600,
int  block = 1,
int  rtscts = 1,
int  bits = 8,
int  stopbits = 1,
int  parity = rlSerial::NONE 
On OpenVMS please set the tt parameters at DCL level E.g.:
$ set term /perm/pasthru  -
           /eightbit      -
           /nottsync      -
           /nohostsync    -
           /noreadsync    -
           /type          -
           /noline        -
           /altype        -
           /parity=even   -
           /speed=9600 tta1:
devicename := /dev/ttyX (unix) | COMx (Windows) | ttaX: (OpenVMS) 
speed      := B50 ... B4000000                                    
block      := 0 | 1 (bool)                                        
rtscts     := 0 | 1 (bool)                                        
bits       := 7 | 8 (unix) | 4-8 (Windows)                        
stopbits   := 1 | 2                                               
parity     := rlSerial::NONE | rlSerial::ODD | rlSerial::EVEN     
return == 0  success, return < 0 error

Definition at line 100 of file rlserial.cpp.

101 {
102 #ifdef RLUNIX
103  struct termios buf;
105  if(fd != -1) return -1;
106  fd = open(devicename, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);
107  if(fd < 0) { return -1; }
109  //signal(SIGINT, sighandler);
111  if(tcgetattr(fd, &save_termios) < 0) { return -1; }
112  buf = save_termios;
113  buf.c_cflag = speed | CLOCAL | CREAD;
114  if(rtscts == 1) buf.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS;
115  if(bits == 7) buf.c_cflag |= CS7;
116  else buf.c_cflag |= CS8;
117  if(stopbits == 2) buf.c_cflag |= CSTOPB;
118  if(parity == rlSerial::ODD) buf.c_cflag |= (PARENB | PARODD);
119  if(parity == rlSerial::EVEN) buf.c_cflag |= PARENB;
120  buf.c_lflag = IEXTEN; //ICANON;
121  buf.c_oflag = OPOST;
122  buf.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
123  buf.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
124 #ifndef PVMAC
125  buf.c_line = 0;
126 #endif
127  buf.c_iflag = IGNBRK | IGNPAR | IXANY;
128  if(tcsetattr(fd, TCSAFLUSH, &buf) < 0) { return -1; }
129  //if(tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &buf) < 0) { return -1; }
130  ttystate = RAW;
131  ttysavefd = fd;
132  if(block == 1) fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0) & ~O_NONBLOCK);
133  tcflush(fd,TCIOFLUSH);
134 #endif
136 #ifdef __VMS
137  // Please set com parameters at DCL level
138  struct dsc$descriptor_s dsc;
139  int status;
141  dsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(devicename);
142  dsc.dsc$a_pointer = (char *) devicename;
143  dsc.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
144  dsc.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
145  status = SYS$ASSIGN(&dsc,&vms_channel,0,0);
146  if(status != SS$_NORMAL) return -1;
147 #endif
149 #ifdef RLWIN32
150  DWORD ccsize;
152  int baudrate,ret;
153  char devname[100];
155  if(strlen(devicename) > 80) return -1;
156  sprintf(devname,"\\\\.\\%s",devicename); // Aenderung: allow more than 4 COM ports
157  hdl = CreateFile(
158  devname, // devicename, // pointer to name of the file
159  GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // access (read-write) mode
160  0, // share mode
161  0, // pointer to security attributes
162  OPEN_EXISTING, // how to create
163  0, // not overlapped I/O
164  0 // handle to file with attributes to copy
165  );
166  if(hdl == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
167  {
168  printf("CreateFile(%s) failed\n",devicename);
169  return -1;
170  }
172  baudrate = CBR_9600;
173  if(speed == B50 ) baudrate = 50;
174  if(speed == B75 ) baudrate = 75;
175  if(speed == B110 ) baudrate = CBR_110;
176  if(speed == B134 ) baudrate = 134;
177  if(speed == B150 ) baudrate = 150;
178  if(speed == B200 ) baudrate = 200;
179  if(speed == B300 ) baudrate = CBR_300;
180  if(speed == B600 ) baudrate = CBR_600;
181  if(speed == B1200 ) baudrate = CBR_1200;
182  if(speed == B1800 ) baudrate = 1800;
183  if(speed == B2400 ) baudrate = CBR_2400;
184  if(speed == B4800 ) baudrate = CBR_4800;
185  if(speed == B9600 ) baudrate = CBR_9600;
186  if(speed == B19200 ) baudrate = CBR_19200;
187  if(speed == B38400 ) baudrate = CBR_38400;
188  if(speed == B57600 ) baudrate = CBR_57600;
189  if(speed == B115200 ) baudrate = CBR_115200;
190  if(speed == B230400 ) baudrate = 230400;
191  if(speed == B460800 ) baudrate = 460800;
192  if(speed == B500000 ) baudrate = 500000;
193  if(speed == B576000 ) baudrate = 576000;
194  if(speed == B921600 ) baudrate = 921600;
195  if(speed == B1000000) baudrate = 1000000;
196  if(speed == B1152000) baudrate = 1152000;
197  if(speed == B1500000) baudrate = 1500000;
198  if(speed == B2000000) baudrate = 2000000;
199  if(speed == B2500000) baudrate = 2500000;
200  if(speed == B3000000) baudrate = 3000000;
201  if(speed == B3500000) baudrate = 3500000;
202  if(speed == B4000000) baudrate = 4000000;
204  ccsize = sizeof(cc);
205  GetCommConfig(hdl,&cc,&ccsize);
206  //cc.dwSize = sizeof(cc); // size of structure
207  //cc.wVersion = 1; // version of structure
208  //cc.wReserved = 0; // reserved
209  // DCB dcb; // device-control block
210  cc.dcb.DCBlength = sizeof(DCB); // sizeof(DCB)
211  cc.dcb.BaudRate = baudrate; // current baud rate
212  cc.dcb.fBinary = 1; // binary mode, no EOF check
213  cc.dcb.fParity = 1; // enable parity checking
214  cc.dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = 0; // CTS output flow control
215  if(rtscts == 1) cc.dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = 1;
216  cc.dcb.fOutxDsrFlow = 0; // DSR output flow control
217  cc.dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE; // DTR flow control type
218  cc.dcb.fDsrSensitivity = 0; // DSR sensitivity
219  cc.dcb.fTXContinueOnXoff = 1; // XOFF continues Tx
220  //cc.dcb.fOutX = 0; // XON/XOFF out flow control
221  //cc.dcb.fInX = 0; // XON/XOFF in flow control
222  //cc.dcb.fErrorChar = 0; // enable error replacement
223  cc.dcb.fNull = 0; // enable null stripping
224  cc.dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE;
225  if(rtscts == 1) cc.dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE; // RTS flow control
226  cc.dcb.fAbortOnError = 0; // abort reads/writes on error
227  //cc.dcb.fDummy2 = 0; // reserved
228  //cc.dcb.wReserved = 0; // not currently used
229  //cc.dcb.XonLim = 0; // transmit XON threshold
230  //cc.dcb.XoffLim = 0; // transmit XOFF threshold
231  cc.dcb.ByteSize = bits; // number of bits/byte, 4-8
232  cc.dcb.Parity = 0; // 0-4=no,odd,even,mark,space
233  if(parity == rlSerial::ODD) cc.dcb.Parity = 1;
234  if(parity == rlSerial::EVEN) cc.dcb.Parity = 2;
235  cc.dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; // 0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2
236  if(stopbits==2) cc.dcb.StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS;
237  //cc.dcb.XonChar = 0; // Tx and Rx XON character
238  //cc.dcb.XoffChar = 0; // Tx and Rx XOFF character
239  //cc.dcb.ErrorChar = 0; // error replacement character
240  //cc.dcb.EofChar = 0; // end of input character
241  //cc.dcb.EvtChar = 0; // received event character
242  //cc.dcb.wReserved1 = 0; // reserved; do not use
243  cc.dwProviderSubType = PST_RS232; // type of provider-specific data
244  //cc.dwProviderOffset = 0; // offset of provider-specific data
245  //cc.dwProviderSize = 0; // size of provider-specific data
246  //cc.wcProviderData[0] = 0; // provider-specific data
248  ret = SetCommConfig(hdl,&cc,sizeof(cc));
249  if(ret == 0)
250  {
251  printf("SetCommConfig ret=%d devicename=%s LastError=%ld\n",ret,devicename,GetLastError());
252  return -1;
253  }
254  if(block) return 0;
255 #endif
257 #ifdef RM3
258  RmEntryStruct CatEntry; /* Struktur der Deiviceinformationen */
259  int iStatus; /* Rckgabewert */
260  RmIOStatusStruct DrvSts; /* Struktur der Rckgabewerte fr RmIO - Funktion */
261  RmBytParmStruct PBlock; /* Parameterstruktur fr RmIO - Funktion */
262  static UCD_BYT_PORT Ucd_byt_drv; /* Struktur zum Setzen der UCD - Werte */
263  ushort uTimeBd; /* Timing - Wert der �ertragungsgeschwindigkeit */
264  uint uMode; /* Portsteuerungsparameter */
265  unsigned char cByte; /* Byte - Parameter */
266  /* Timing = 748800 / Baudrate; */
267  /**************************************************/
268  char byt_com[32];
270  /* COM1=0x3F8 COM2=0x2F8 - Port Adresse */
271  if (strcmp(devicename,"COM1") == 0)
272  {
273  strcpy(byt_com,"BYT_COM1");
274  com = 0x3f8;
275  }
276  else if(strcmp(devicename,"COM2") == 0)
277  {
278  strcpy(byt_com,"BYT_COM2");
279  com = 0x2f8;
280  }
281  else
282  {
283  printf("Error: devicename=%s unknown\n",devicename);
284  return -1;
285  }
286  //printf("Open COM port - inside\n");
288  /*
289  * Device und Unit - Id auslesen
290  */
291  if( RmGetEntry( RM_WAIT, byt_com, &CatEntry ) != RM_OK ) /* RM_CONTINUE */
292  {
293  printf( "Error: %s device not found\n", byt_com);
294  return -1;
295  }
297  device = (int) ((ushort) CatEntry.ide);
298  unit = (int) CatEntry.id;
300  /*
301  * Ger� reservieren
302  */
303  if( RmIO( BYT_RESERVE, (unsigned)(device), (unsigned)(unit), 0u, 0u, &DrvSts, &PBlock ) < 0 )
304  {
305  printf( "Error: Unable to reserve %s device\n", byt_com);
306  return -1;
307  }
309  /*
310  * Baudrate ausrechnen
311  */
312  baudrate = 9600;
313  if(speed == B50 ) baudrate = 50;
314  if(speed == B75 ) baudrate = 75;
315  if(speed == B110 ) baudrate = 110;
316  if(speed == B134 ) baudrate = 134;
317  if(speed == B150 ) baudrate = 150;
318  if(speed == B200 ) baudrate = 200;
319  if(speed == B300 ) baudrate = 300;
320  if(speed == B600 ) baudrate = 600;
321  if(speed == B1200 ) baudrate = 1200;
322  if(speed == B1800 ) baudrate = 1800;
323  if(speed == B2400 ) baudrate = 2400;
324  if(speed == B4800 ) baudrate = 4800;
325  if(speed == B9600 ) baudrate = 9600;
326  if(speed == B19200 ) baudrate = 19200;
327  if(speed == B38400 ) baudrate = 38400;
328  if(speed == B57600 ) baudrate = 57600;
329  if(speed == B115200 ) baudrate = 115200;
330  if(speed == B230400 ) baudrate = 230400;
331  if(speed == B460800 ) baudrate = 460800;
332  if(speed == B500000 ) baudrate = 500000;
333  if(speed == B576000 ) baudrate = 576000;
334  if(speed == B921600 ) baudrate = 921600;
335  if(speed == B1000000) baudrate = 1000000;
336  if(speed == B1152000) baudrate = 1152000;
337  if(speed == B1500000) baudrate = 1500000;
338  if(speed == B2000000) baudrate = 2000000;
339  if(speed == B2500000) baudrate = 2500000;
340  if(speed == B3000000) baudrate = 3000000;
341  if(speed == B3500000) baudrate = 3500000;
342  if(speed == B4000000) baudrate = 4000000;
343  uTimeBd = 748800 / baudrate;
345  /*
346  * Portsteuerungsparameter setzen
347  */
348  uMode = 0x1000 | DATA_8 | STOP_1 | NOPARITY;
350  /*
351  * UCD des seriellen Ports auslesen
352  */
353  PBlock.string = 0;
354  PBlock.strlen = 0;
355  PBlock.buffer = (char *)&Ucd_byt_drv;
356  PBlock.timlen = sizeof(UCD_BYT_PORT);
357  PBlock.status = 0;
359  iStatus = RmIO( BYT_CREATE_NEW, (unsigned)(device), (unsigned)(unit), 0u, 0u, &DrvSts, &PBlock );
361  /*
362  * Modus �dern
363  */
364  Ucd_byt_drv.mobyte[5] |= (ushort) (uMode & 0xFFu);
366  /*
367  * Timeout setzen
368  */
369  Ucd_byt_drv.header.timout = timeout;
371  /*
372  * Werte zuweisen
373  */
374  PBlock.string = (char*) &Ucd_byt_drv;
375  PBlock.strlen = sizeof(UCD_BYT_PORT);
376  PBlock.buffer = 0;
377  PBlock.timlen = 0;
378  PBlock.status = 0;
380  iStatus = RmIO( BYT_CREATE_NEW, (unsigned)(device), (unsigned)(unit), 0u, 0u, &DrvSts, &PBlock );
382  /*
383  * Register 0 und 1 zum Schreiben freigeben
384  */
385  cByte = inbyte( com + 0x03 );
386  outbyte( com + 0x03, (unsigned char)(cByte | 0x80) );
388  /*
389  * Baudrate setzen
390  */
391  outbyte( com + 0x00, (ushort) LOW (uTimeBd) );
392  outbyte( com + 0x01, (ushort) HIGH (uTimeBd) );
394  /*
395  * Register 0 und 1 sperren
396  */
397  outbyte( com + 0x03, cByte );
399  if( iStatus ) printf( "BYT_CREATE_NEW (set ucb): Error status = %X\n", iStatus );
400 #endif
402  return 0;
403 }
#define B75
Definition: rlserial.h:37
#define B38400
Definition: rlserial.h:50
#define B50
Definition: rlserial.h:36
#define B115200
Definition: rlserial.h:52
#define B3500000
Definition: rlserial.h:64
#define B460800
Definition: rlserial.h:54
#define B500000
Definition: rlserial.h:55
#define B576000
Definition: rlserial.h:56
#define B1000000
Definition: rlserial.h:58
#define B4800
Definition: rlserial.h:47
enum rlSerial::@4 ttystate
#define B600
Definition: rlserial.h:43
#define B200
Definition: rlserial.h:41
Definition: rlserial.h:125
#define B19200
Definition: rlserial.h:49
#define B3000000
Definition: rlserial.h:63
#define B9600
Definition: rlserial.h:48
#define B4000000
Definition: rlserial.h:65
#define B1500000
Definition: rlserial.h:60
#define B300
Definition: rlserial.h:42
#define B150
Definition: rlserial.h:40
#define B1800
Definition: rlserial.h:45
#define B230400
Definition: rlserial.h:53
#define B110
Definition: rlserial.h:38
#define B1200
Definition: rlserial.h:44
#define B57600
Definition: rlserial.h:51
struct termios save_termios
Definition: rlserial.h:119
unsigned short int vms_channel
Definition: rlserial.h:122
int ttysavefd
Definition: rlserial.h:131
#define B921600
Definition: rlserial.h:57
#define B2500000
Definition: rlserial.h:62
#define B2400
Definition: rlserial.h:46
int fd
Definition: rlserial.h:132
#define B1152000
Definition: rlserial.h:59
#define B2000000
Definition: rlserial.h:61
#define B134
Definition: rlserial.h:39

◆ readBlock()

int rlSerial::readBlock ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  len,
int  timeout = -1 

Definition at line 498 of file rlserial.cpp.

499 {
500 #ifdef RLUNIX
501  int c, retlen;
503  retlen = 0;
504  for(int i=0; i<len; i++)
505  {
506  if(timeout >= 0)
507  {
508  if(select(timeout) == 0) break; // timeout
509  }
510  c = readChar();
511  if(c < 0) return c;
512  buf[i] = (unsigned char) c;
513  retlen = i+1;
514  }
515  if(retlen <= 0) return -1;
516  return retlen;
517 #endif
519 #ifdef __VMS
520  int status;
521  int _timeout = 1; // second
522  short iosb[4];
524  status = SYS$QIOW(0,vms_channel,
526  iosb,0,0,buf,len,_timeout,0,0,0);
527  if(status != SS$_NORMAL) return -1;
528  len=iosb[1];
529  if(iosb[2] != 0)
530  {
531  len++;
532  buf[len] = iosb[2];
533  }
534  return len;
535 #endif
537 #ifdef RLWIN32
538  unsigned long retlen;
540  if(timeout >= 0) select(timeout);
541  ReadFile(
542  hdl, // handle of file to read
543  buf, // pointer to buffer that receives data
544  len, // number of bytes to read
545  &retlen, // pointer to number of bytes read
546  NULL // pointer to structure for data
547  );
548  if(retlen > 0)
549  {
550  if(trace == 1) printf("readBlock retlen=%ld\n",retlen);
551  return (int) retlen;
552  }
553  return -1;
554 #endif
556 #ifdef RM3
557  RmBytParmStruct PBlock; /* Parameterstruktur fr RmIO - Funktion */
558  RmIOStatusStruct DrvSts; /* Struktur der Rckgabewerte fr RmIO - Funktion */
559  int iStatus; /* Rckgabewert */
560  int i; /* Schleifenz�ler */
561  /**************************************************/
563  /*
564  * Schreibparameter setzen
565  */
566  PBlock.string = 0;
567  PBlock.strlen = 0;
568  PBlock.buffer = (char*)buf;
569  PBlock.timlen = len;
570  PBlock.status = 0;
572  /*
573  * Lesevorgang einleiten
574  */
575  iStatus = RmIO( BYT_POLL_XBUF_WAIT, (unsigned)device, (unsigned)unit, 0u, 0u, &DrvSts, &PBlock );
577  if( iStatus ) printf( "BYT_POLL_XBUF_WAIT (set ucb): Error status = %X\n", iStatus );
579  if( !iStatus ) return len;
580  return -1;
581 #endif
582 }
Definition: rlserial.h:125
int trace
Definition: rlserial.h:132
int select(int timeout=500)
Definition: rlserial.cpp:719
int readChar()
Definition: rlserial.cpp:405
unsigned short int vms_channel
Definition: rlserial.h:122

◆ readChar()

int rlSerial::readChar ( )

Definition at line 405 of file rlserial.cpp.

406 {
407 #ifdef RLUNIX
408  int ret;
409  unsigned char buf[2];
411  if(fd == -1) return -1;
412  ret = read(fd,buf,1);
413  if(ret == 1) return buf[0];
414  if(ret == 0) return -2;
415  return -1;
416 #endif
418 #ifdef __VMS
419  unsigned char buf[2];
421  if(readBlock(buf, 1) < 0) return -1;
422  return buf[0];
423 #endif
425 #ifdef RLWIN32
426  unsigned char buf[2];
427  unsigned long len;
429  ReadFile(
430  hdl, // handle of file to read
431  buf, // pointer to buffer that receives data
432  1, // number of bytes to read
433  &len, // pointer to number of bytes read
434  NULL // pointer to structure for data
435  );
436  if(len > 0)
437  {
438  if(trace == 1) printf("readChar %d\n",(int) buf[0]);
439  return buf[0];
440  }
441  return -1;
442 #endif
444 #ifdef RM3
445  int ret;
446  unsigned char buf[2];
448  ret = readBlock(buf,1);
449  if(ret < 0) return ret;
450  return buf[0];
451 #endif
452 }
int readBlock(unsigned char *buf, int len, int timeout=-1)
Definition: rlserial.cpp:498
Definition: rlserial.h:125
int trace
Definition: rlserial.h:132
int fd
Definition: rlserial.h:132

◆ readLine()

int rlSerial::readLine ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  maxlen,
int  timeout = 1000 

Definition at line 687 of file rlserial.cpp.

688 {
689  int i,c,ret;
691  if(maxlen <= 1) return -1;
692  ret = 0;
693  buf[maxlen-1] = '\0';
694  for(i=0; i<maxlen-2; i++)
695  {
696  ret = i;
697  if(timeout > 0)
698  {
699  int t = select(timeout);
700  if(t == 0) return -1;
701  }
702  c = readChar();
703  if(c < 0)
704  {
705  buf[i] = '\0';
706  ret = c;
707  break;
708  }
709  buf[i] = (unsigned char) c;
710  if(c < ' ' && c != '\t')
711  {
712  buf[i+1] = '\0';
713  break;
714  }
715  }
716  return ret;
717 }
int select(int timeout=500)
Definition: rlserial.cpp:719
int readChar()
Definition: rlserial.cpp:405

◆ select()

int rlSerial::select ( int  timeout = 500)

Definition at line 719 of file rlserial.cpp.

720 {
721 #ifdef RLUNIX
722  struct timeval timout;
723  fd_set wset,rset,eset;
724  int ret,maxfdp1;
726  if(timeout <= 0) return 1;
727  /* setup sockets to read */
728  maxfdp1 = fd+1;
729  FD_ZERO(&rset);
730  FD_SET (fd,&rset);
731  FD_ZERO(&wset);
732  FD_ZERO(&eset);
733  timout.tv_sec = timeout / 1000;
734  timout.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000;
736  ret = ::select(maxfdp1,&rset,&wset,&eset,&timout);
737  if(ret == 0) return 0; /* timeout */
738  return 1;
739 #endif
741 #ifdef __VMS
742  return 1;
743 #endif
745 #ifdef RLWIN32
746  COMMTIMEOUTS ctimeout;
748  ctimeout.ReadIntervalTimeout = timeout;
749  ctimeout.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 1;
750  ctimeout.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = timeout;
751  ctimeout.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 1;
752  ctimeout.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = timeout;
754  SetCommTimeouts(hdl, &ctimeout);
755  return 1;
756 #endif
758 #ifdef RM3
759  return 1;
760 #endif
761 }
Definition: rlserial.h:125
int select(int timeout=500)
Definition: rlserial.cpp:719
int fd
Definition: rlserial.h:132

◆ setTrace()

void rlSerial::setTrace ( int  on)

on := 0 | 1 (bool)

Definition at line 94 of file rlserial.cpp.

95 {
96  if(on == 1) trace = 1;
97  else trace = 0;
98 }
int trace
Definition: rlserial.h:132

◆ writeBlock()

int rlSerial::writeBlock ( const unsigned char *  buf,
int  len 

Definition at line 584 of file rlserial.cpp.

585 {
586 #ifdef RLUNIX
587  int ret;
589  if(fd == -1) return -1;
590  if(trace == 1)
591  {
592  printf("writeBlock:");
593  for(int i=0; i<len; i++) printf(" %d",(int) buf[i]);
594  printf("\n");
595  }
596  ret = write(fd,buf,len);
597  //tcflush(fd, TCIOFLUSH);
598  return ret;
599 #endif
601 #ifdef __VMS
602  int status;
603  IOSB iosb;
606  status = SYS$QIOW(0,vms_channel,IO$_WRITEVBLK | IO$M_CANCTRLO | IO$M_NOFORMAT,
607  &iosb,0,0,buf,len,0,0,0,0);
608  if(status != SS$_NORMAL) return -1;
609  return len;
610 #endif
612 #ifdef RLWIN32
613  BOOL ret;
614  unsigned long retlen;
616  if(trace == 1)
617  {
618  printf("writeBlock:");
619  for(int i=0; i<len; i++) printf(" %d",(int) buf[i]);
620  printf("\n");
621  }
622  retlen = len;
623  ret = WriteFile(
624  hdl, // handle to file to write to
625  buf, // pointer to data to write to file
626  len, // number of bytes to write
627  &retlen, // pointer to number of bytes written
628  NULL // pointer to structure for overlapped I/O
629  );
631  if(ret) return (int) retlen;
632  return -1;
633 #endif
635 #ifdef RM3
636  RmBytParmStruct PBlock; /* Parameterstruktur fr RmIO - Funktion */
637  RmIOStatusStruct DrvSts; /* Struktur der Rckgabewerte fr RmIO - Funktion */
638  unsigned char cByte; /* Rckgabewert von ibyte - Funktion */
639  int iStatus; /* Rckgabewert */
640  int i; /* Schleifenz�ler */
641  /**************************************************/
643  /*
644  * Schreibparameter setzen
645  */
646  PBlock.string = (char*)buf;
647  PBlock.strlen = len;
648  PBlock.buffer = 0;
649  PBlock.timlen = 0;
650  PBlock.status = 0;
652  /******************************************************
653  * *
654  * Toggle mode wird emuliert indem an dieser Stelle *
655  * RTS-Signal gesetzt und sp�er wieder gel�cht wird *
656  * *
657  ******************************************************/
659  cByte = inbyte( com + 0x04u );
660  outbyte( com + 0x04, (unsigned char)(cByte | 0x02u) );
662  /*
663  * Schreibvorgang einleiten
664  */
665  iStatus = RmIO( BYT_WRITE_WAIT, (unsigned)device, (unsigned)unit, 0u, 0u, &DrvSts, &PBlock );
667  /******************************************************************
668  * *
669  * 8ms warten.Bei der Aenderung der Uebertragungsgeschwindigkeit, *
670  * sollte dieser Wert angepasst werden. Hier fuer 9600 *
671  * *
672  ******************************************************************/
673  RmPauseTask((RTS_TIME_WAIT*9600)/baudrate);
675  /*
676  * RTS-Signal l�chen
677  */
678  outbyte( com + 0x04, (unsigned char)(cByte & 0xFDu) );
680  if( iStatus ) printf( "BYT_WRITE_WAIT (write block): Error status = %X\n", iStatus );
682  if( !iStatus ) return len;
683  return -1;
684 #endif
685 }
Definition: rlserial.h:125
int trace
Definition: rlserial.h:132
unsigned short int vms_channel
Definition: rlserial.h:122
int fd
Definition: rlserial.h:132

◆ writeChar()

int rlSerial::writeChar ( unsigned char  uchar)

Definition at line 454 of file rlserial.cpp.

455 {
456 #ifdef RLUNIX
457  int ret;
458  if(fd == -1) return -1;
459  if(trace == 1) printf("writeChar %d\n",(int)uchar);
460  ret = write(fd,&uchar,1);
461  if(ret < 0) return -1;
462  //tcflush(fd, TCIOFLUSH);
463  return ret;
464 #endif
466 #ifdef __VMS
467  int status;
468  IOSB iosb;
470  status = SYS$QIOW(0,vms_channel,IO$_WRITEVBLK | IO$M_CANCTRLO | IO$M_NOFORMAT,
471  &iosb,0,0,&uchar,1,0,0,0,0);
472  if(status != SS$_NORMAL) return -1;
473  return 1;
474 #endif
476 #ifdef RLWIN32
477  BOOL ret;
478  unsigned long len;
480  if(trace == 1) printf("writeChar %d\n",(int)uchar);
481  ret = WriteFile(
482  hdl, // handle to file to write to
483  &uchar, // pointer to data to write to file
484  1, // number of bytes to write
485  &len, // pointer to number of bytes written
486  NULL // pointer to structure for overlapped I/O
487  );
489  if(ret) return (int) len;
490  return -1;
491 #endif
493 #ifdef RM3
494  return writeBlock(&uchar, 1);
495 #endif
496 }
Definition: rlserial.h:125
int trace
Definition: rlserial.h:132
unsigned short int vms_channel
Definition: rlserial.h:122
int fd
Definition: rlserial.h:132
int writeBlock(const unsigned char *buf, int len)
Definition: rlserial.cpp:584

Member Data Documentation

◆ fd

int rlSerial::fd

Definition at line 132 of file rlserial.h.

◆ hdl

HANDLE rlSerial::hdl

Definition at line 125 of file rlserial.h.

◆ save_termios

struct termios rlSerial::save_termios

Definition at line 119 of file rlserial.h.

◆ trace

int rlSerial::trace

Definition at line 132 of file rlserial.h.

◆ ttysavefd

int rlSerial::ttysavefd

Definition at line 131 of file rlserial.h.

◆ ttystate

enum { ... } rlSerial::ttystate

◆ vms_channel

unsigned short int rlSerial::vms_channel

Definition at line 122 of file rlserial.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: