rllib  1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /***************************************************************************
2  rlcommandlineinterface.cpp - description
3  -------------------
4  begin : Sat Mar 27 2010
5  copyright : (C) 2010 by R. Lehrig
6  email : lehrig@t-online.de
7  ***************************************************************************/
9 /***************************************************************************
10  * *
11  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
12  * it under the terms of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as *
13  * published by the Free Software Foundation *
14  * *
15  ***************************************************************************/
16 #include "rlcommandlineinterface.h"
17 #include "rlstring.h"
18 #include "rlcutil.h"
19 #include "rlthread.h"
20 #include <unistd.h>
21 #include <stdarg.h>
24 {
25  sock = NULL;
26  spawn = NULL;
27  tty = NULL;
28 }
31 {
32  if(sock != NULL) delete sock;
33  if(spawn != NULL) delete spawn;
34 }
36 int rlCommandlineInterface::start(const char *how, const char *command)
37 {
38  if(sock != NULL) delete sock;
39  sock = NULL;
40  if(spawn != NULL) delete spawn;
41  spawn = NULL;
42  tty = NULL;
44  if(strcmp(how,"pipe") == 0)
45  {
46  if(command == NULL) return -1;
47  spawn = new rlSpawn();
48  int ret = spawn->spawn(command);
49  if(ret < 0)
50  {
51  delete spawn;
52  spawn = NULL;
53  return -1;
54  }
55  return ret;
56  }
57  else if(strcmp(how,"stdio") == 0)
58  {
59  return 1;
60  }
61  else
62  {
63  rlString rlhow(how);
64  char *cptr, *host;
65  host = rlhow.text();
66  cptr = strchr(host,':');
67  if(cptr == NULL) return -1;
68  *cptr = '\0'; cptr++;
69  int port = atoi(cptr);
70  if(strcmp(host,"server.localhost") == 0)
71  {
72  sock = new rlSocket(host,port,0);
73  }
74  else
75  {
76  if(strcmp(host,"localhost") == 0 && command != NULL)
77  {
78  rlString cmd(command);
79 #ifdef RLUNIX
80  cmd += " &";
81 #endif
82  rlsystem(cmd.text());
83  }
84  sock = new rlSocket(host,port,1);
85  }
86  for(int itry=0; itry<10; itry++)
87  {
88  sock->connect();
89  if(sock->isConnected()) return sock->s;
90  rlsleep(10);
91  }
92  return -1;
93  }
94 }
97 {
98  if(sock != NULL) delete sock;
99  sock = NULL;
100  if(spawn != NULL) delete spawn;
101  spawn = NULL;
102  tty = ttyinterface;
103  if(tty == NULL) return -1;
104  return 1;
105 }
107 int rlCommandlineInterface::readBlock(void *buf, int len, int timeout)
108 {
109  if(spawn != NULL)
110  {
111  unsigned char *cbuf = (unsigned char *) buf;
112  int i = 0;
113  while(i<len)
114  {
115  if(timeout > 0)
116  {
117  if(spawn->select(timeout) == 0) return -1;
118  }
119  cbuf[i++] = spawn->getchar();
120  }
121  return len;
122  }
123  else if(sock != NULL)
124  {
125  if(sock->isConnected() == 0) return -1;
126  int ret = sock->read(buf,len,timeout);
127  if(ret <= 0)
128  {
129  sock->disconnect();
130  return -1;
131  }
132  return len;
133  }
134  else if(tty != NULL)
135  {
136  int timout = 0;
137  if(timeout > 0) timout = timeout;
138  return tty->readBlock ((unsigned char *) buf, len, timout);
139  }
140  else
141  {
142  int ret = read(0,buf,len);
143  return ret;
144  }
145 }
147 const char *rlCommandlineInterface::readLine(int timeout)
148 {
149  if(spawn != NULL)
150  {
151  if(timeout > 0)
152  {
153  if(spawn->select(timeout) == 0) return NULL;
154  }
155  return spawn->readLine();
156  }
157  else if(sock != NULL)
158  {
159  if(sock->isConnected() == 0) return NULL;
160  int ret = sock->readStr(line,sizeof(line)-1,timeout);
161  if(ret <= 0)
162  {
163  sock->disconnect();
164  return NULL;
165  }
166  return line;
167  }
168  else if(tty != NULL)
169  {
170  int ret = tty->readLine((unsigned char *) line,sizeof(line)-1, timeout);
171  if(ret <= 0) return NULL;
172  return line;
173  }
174  else
175  {
176  return fgets(line,sizeof(line)-1,stdin);
177  }
178 }
180 int rlCommandlineInterface::printf(const char *format, ...)
181 {
182  va_list ap;
183  va_start(ap,format);
184  int ret = rlvsnprintf(line, sizeof(line) - 1, format, ap);
185  va_end(ap);
186  if(ret < 0) return ret;
188  if(spawn != NULL)
189  {
190  return spawn->printf("%s",line);
191  }
192  else if(sock != NULL)
193  {
194  if(sock->isConnected() == 0) return -1;
195  int ret = sock->printf("%s",line);
196  return ret;
197  }
198  else if(tty != NULL)
199  {
200  return tty->writeBlock((unsigned char *) line, strlen(line));
201  }
202  else
203  {
204  int ret = ::printf("%s",line);
205  fflush(stdout);
206  return ret;
207  }
208 }
210 int rlCommandlineInterface::writeBlock(void *buf, int len)
211 {
212  if(spawn != NULL)
213  {
214  return spawn->write((const char *) buf, len);
215  }
216  else if(sock != NULL)
217  {
218  if(sock->isConnected() == 0) return -1;
219  return sock->write(buf,len);
220  }
221  else if(tty != NULL)
222  {
223  return tty->writeBlock((unsigned char *) buf, len);
224  }
225  else
226  {
227  return write(1,buf,len);
228  }
229 }
231 #ifdef TESTING
232 int main()
233 {
234  const char *line;
237  // connect to a server over TCP
238  // or be a TCP server if how = "server.localhost:port"
239  printf("localhost:\n");
240  cli.start("localhost:50500");
241  int i = 0;
242  while((line = cli.readLine()) != NULL)
243  {
244  printf("line=%s",line);
245  if(i<5) cli.printf("%s%d\n","hallo",i++);
246  else cli.printf("%s\n","exit");
247  }
249  // run command and connect it over a pipe to us
250  printf("pipe:\n");
251  cli.start("pipe","./myecho");
252  i = 0;
253  while((line = cli.readLine()) != NULL)
254  {
255  ::printf("line=%s",line);
256  if(i<5) cli.printf("%s%d\n","hallo",i++);
257  else cli.printf("%s\n","exit");
258  }
260  // communicate via stdin / stdout
261  printf("stdio:\n");
262  cli.start("stdio");
263  cli.printf("Bitte tipp was ein\n");
264  printf("Du hast '%s' eingegeben\n", cli.readLine());
266  return 0;
267 }
268 #endif
int select(int timeout=50)
Definition: rlspawn.cpp:456
int readBlock(unsigned char *buf, int len, int timeout=-1)
Definition: rlserial.cpp:498
int printf(const char *format,...)
int write(const void *buf, int len)
Definition: rlsocket.cpp:292
const char * readLine(int timeout=0)
int getchar()
Definition: rlspawn.cpp:355
int printf(const char *format,...)
Definition: rlspawn.cpp:402
int start(const char *how, const char *command=NULL)
int writeBlock(void *buf, int len)
int readLine(unsigned char *buf, int maxlen, int timeout=1000)
Definition: rlserial.cpp:687
int readStr(char *buf, int len, int timeout=0)
Definition: rlsocket.cpp:224
char * text()
Definition: rlstring.cpp:126
int write(const char *buf, int len)
Definition: rlspawn.cpp:385
int read(void *buf, int len, int timeout=0)
Definition: rlsocket.cpp:191
int rlvsnprintf(char *text, int len, const char *format, va_list ap)
Definition: rlcutil.cpp:197
int main()
Definition: rlcorba.cpp:18
void rlsleep(long msec)
Definition: rlwthread.cpp:396
const char * readLine()
Definition: rlspawn.cpp:307
int readBlock(void *buf, int len, int timeout=0)
char line[rl_PRINTF_LENGTH]
int connect()
Definition: rlsocket.cpp:321
int s
Definition: rlsocket.h:197
int disconnect()
Definition: rlsocket.cpp:545
int isConnected()
Definition: rlsocket.cpp:559
int rlsystem(const char *command)
Definition: rlcutil.cpp:558
int writeBlock(const unsigned char *buf, int len)
Definition: rlserial.cpp:584
int spawn(const char *command)
Definition: rlspawn.cpp:168
int printf(const char *format,...)
Definition: rlsocket.cpp:586